Stay With Us

Directed by Gad Elmaleh
Film Movement
93 Minutes
Comedy, Jewish
Not Rated
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After three successful years living and working in America, French-Jewish actor and comedian Gad Elmaleh decides to move back home to Paris. He misses his family and friends. Or, at least that's what Gad tells his loving yet overbearing parents, Régine and David. However, it's not long before his parents find out the true reason for their son's return — after a long period of ambivalence towards his own Jewishness, Gad has officially decided to convert to Catholicism. Dumbfounded by his sudden obsession with the Virgin Mary, and with only five weeks before his baptism, Gad's family endeavor to bring him back to Judaism for fear of losing him forever.

Inspired by the director's own fraught relationship to the Jewish faith and starring Elmaleh's real-life family, Stay With Us is a heart-warming and charming story about faith, family and acceptance.


  • Gad Elmaleh
  • Judith Elmaleh
  • Régine Elmaleh
  • Rony Kramer
  • Highest Rating
    "French Jewish comedian and filmmaker Gad Elmaleh’s comedy Stay With Us presents a heartfelt, humorous take on the importance of religious tradition in a family context. [L]ight-hearted and genuine."
    Bradley Gibson, Film Threat
  • Highest Rating
    ""[STAY WITH US] never succumbs to pretension or solemnity, maintaining a level, blessedly irreverent head.""
    The NY Sun
  • Highest Rating
    "It is well-paced, gentle with its subjects, and full of heart. The family warmth floods off the screen."
    Erik Ross, The Times of Israel
  • Highest Rating
    "Gad Elmaleh’s superb Stay With Us has the uplift, humor, and soul-searching of the best Yuletide stories, from A Christmas Carol to A Charlie Brown Christmas."
    Dimitri Keramitas , Bonjour Paris
  • Highest Rating
    "A dose of humor, nuance and emotion that does a hell of a lot of good."
    Le Point
  • Highest Rating
    "A humor as dazzling as it is profoundly original."
  • Highest Rating
    "Heartfelt, witty and provocative."
    Avi Offer, NYC Movie Guru

Awards & Recognition

Official Selection
Angoulême French Film Festival
Official Selection
Santa Barbara International Film Festival
Official Selection
Atlanta Jewish Film Festival