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Moon, 66 Questions
Directed by
Jacqueline Lentzou
Moon, 66 Questions follows twenty-something Artemis (Sofia Kokkali), who after years of distance, tentatively decides to return to Athens and care for her father, Paris (Lazaros Georgakopoulos), after his recent decline in health. As she intimately cares for the stoic, near-wordless Paris, she tries to understand this man she never really knew. When Artemis discovers a well-kept secret from her father’s past, she finally begins to not only better understand a complicated man, but the underlying love coursing through a complicated relationship between father and daughter.
Director & Cast
- Director: Jacqueline Lentzou
- Starring: Sofia Kokkali
- Starring: Lazaros Georgakopoulos
Where to Watch

- "Playful and idiosyncratic in approach.... Kokkali is a mercurial and fascinating presence."
- "Delicate and empathetic, Moon, 66 Questions is an impressive debut feature. Part coming-of-age, part illness narrative, the film is above all an intimate portrait of Artemis as she is forced to reevaluate her relationship with her father. "
- "Superbly acted...this is a striking first full-length work from Lentzou, showcasing an originality that immediately separates her from her peers in the current festival domain. "
- "While the film might intriguingly answer fewer than the number of questions its title poses, it offers a potent meditation on familial love and relationships, the unspoken and the power of physical communication..... Lentzou also gives us a memorable peach scene in queer cinema, that although starkly different in tone and content, sits alongside the iconic moment in Luca Guadagnino’s Call Me By Your Name."
- "Kokkali and Georgakopoulos turn in Oscar-worthy performances."
- "The tidal currents of Moon, 66 Questions gently pull us out into an ocean of captivating gaps, ellipses and silences, granting an enormously rich emotional rich experience for those willing to go with its flow."
- "Moon‘s worth watching as the feature opening shot from a director whose eccentricities should be cultivated and encouraged, but really it’s a star-is-born moment for lead performer Kokkali. I wouldn’t be remotely surprised to see Kokkali rise from international arthouse lead to Nolan/Bond/M:I ensemble member in rapid time. "
- "An exhilarating and captivating experience."
- "Jacqueline Lentzou’s debut feature is a difficult, elusive, but ultimately rewarding study of a daughter struggling to reconnect with her father...."
- "Blessed by the performances of Kokkali and Georgakopoulos... Moon, 66 Questions announces a major new voice in world cinema."
- "This is impressionistic filmmaking and the young director handles it with extraordinary confidence."
- "“Moon, 66 Questions” can be unsettling and despairing, but it’s never alienating. It’s about moving past alienation and understanding what connects us."
- "Critic's Pick! Lentzou, with her first feature no less, gets at something much knottier about what it feels like to get older perceive your parents as full people, in all their flaws and vulnerabilities...."
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